12 Saves of Christmas #7: Bulbasaur

12 Saves of Christmas #7: Bulbasaur

Sometimes, bad things turn out to have wonderful results. Bulbasaur was about four weeks old when he was found behind a Raley’s parking lot by a FieldHaven adopter. He was starving, and grateful for a human hand to help him.

He was smaller than most kittens his age, yet he had a bigger head than he should have. He was also fighting a severe upper respiratory infection. We knew we had to run some tests to see what was going on but first, we had to get him healthy. Bulby, as we affectionately dubbed him, had a warm bath followed by a healthy meal and fresh water. He was started on antibiotics for his infection and given fluids to ensure he stayed hydrated. He happily tucked himself into a heated bed and purred his way through the night.

We kept this up for several days until he began to look and feel better. Then it was time to see what was going on internally. It turns out he was born with water on the brain which lends to his rounder-than-normal head, a congenital condition called hydrocephalus. He stayed with an experienced foster for quite some time, where he could be watched closely while he gained his strength and continued to grow. He had quite the journey, and while surgery wasn’t an option, we did figure out just the right lifestyle he needs to succeed. It includes daily medication, a healthy diet, regular vet visits, and of course, plenty of TLC in a stress-free, loving home.

Just recently Bulby was cleared for adoption. He packs quite the punch—he’s charming, adorable, entertaining, and loving! He loves feline friends and actively seeks out playful kittens to join in on his mischief, or patient older cats who will accept him as a cuddle buddy. He talks and purrs often, happy to vocalize his appreciation for life. He may look a bit different and require some special care, but he’s healthy, loving, and deserves that second chance.

We’ve told you we treat everyone as an individual and will do whatever we can to give someone a second chance as long as they have a good quality of life. Bulby is a testament to that! His looks and medical needs are different, but that didn’t stop us from giving him a chance. We’re asking that you donate to FieldHaven this holiday season to help kittens like Bulby. Every amount matters and every penny counts. You helped us save Bulby, and we are incredibly grateful.

Spread Holiday Cheer: Donate Today!

P.S. Bulby is available for adoption, and we’re looking for just the right family to provide for him. We would be happy to talk to you about him and see if you would be a good fit, so if you’re interested in adding this special little guy to your family, let us know! Fill out our adoption application form and YOU could be the one to bring him home in time for the holidays!

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