Our New Mission Statement

For Giving Tuesday, we want to share with you our updated MISSION STATEMENT.
Thanks to your help and support, we feel it really reflects who we have become.
We are eager to hear what you think about it.
In 2003, when FieldHaven Feline Rescue was born, our ambitious goal was to find homes for recued cats and kittens and give them medical care, including spaying/neutering.
When we incorporated, our mission stated:
2003 Mission – Educating our community on responsible pet ownership while providing safe haven for cats and kittens in transition to new lives in permanent homes.
Fast forward 10 years: FieldHaven had grown to include TNR, barn cat programs, SNAP, C.A.T. (Community Assistance Team), and other cool programs to help curb overpopulation and keeping cats out of shelters.
Since we were no longer limited to rescuing cats but growing into a more holistic organization that addresses cat overpopulation in a multitude of ways, it was time for a name change.
FieldHaven Feline Rescue became FieldHaven Feline Center, “The Center of All Things Cat in Lincoln.”
A new name led to a revised mission:
2013 Mission – To improve the human-animal bond and to ensure every cat in our community has a safe place to live.
Over the past several years, the success of our programs, combined with great partnerships in our county, has achieved control of the staggering cat overpopulation problem in Placer County.
Because less than 25% of the cats we currently serve are from Placer County, we began reaching out to nearby communities and counties and shared our effective programs to help start life-saving solutions in their own backyard.
Being resourceful was crucial in a time when COVID quarantines and shutdowns became the new normal. All walks of life, as well as businesses, had to get creative and hit the ground running if we were to continue our work.
We quickly engaged anyone who was willing and open to learning how to help cats and their people. How proud we are of being able to continue our mission by collaborating with our friends and neighbors despite a devastating pandemic. With programs like Kitten Sitters and Meow & Forever, we are providing tools and resources to people and whole communities so they can help cats and kittens everywhere.
A new environment necessitated a new statement. Though not much different from the previous one, our new mission statement reflects how we’re stepping outside the boundaries to help others join our life-saving mission.
Here it is:
Mission 2020: Engaging and empowering communities to ensure every cat has a safe place to live.
What do you think?
I think your mission is amazing and the people working toward the goals are super heroes. Keep up the great work… you all rock!!
Thank you so much, Gin!
I’ve been in love with Fieldhaven since 2004 when Pat Hill talked to us in front of the “kitten” window in downtown Lincoln. I then got to meet & know the two driving forces (well 3 forces) behind Fieldhaven, Joy & Jann & Preston the “silent” but ever present support of both. The mission statements may have changed but the actual mission never has. To bring people & cats together for the betterment of both. In this you have succeeded far beyond the first cats in the tack room. I miss being close enough to stop by & say hello to the cats on site & the beautiful volunteers that keep Fieldhaven going. I send my sincerest Blessings to each & everyone of you. Those still with Fieldhaven & those that have moved on. Each person & cat did in their own small or large way bring Fieldhaven to the present. The new mission statement is solid & representative of where you’ve been & where your going. As always fantastic job. With much love & gratitude. sharon