Camp Fire Cats Adjust at a Real Camp: Camp Joe Willie

Camp Joe Willie was established at 2nd Chance Ranch in 2017 through a donation by FieldHaven supporter Mark M. Glickman in honor of his beloved Tuxedo Joe Willie. The camp houses Rodent Rangers as they wait to find forever employment that offers them the benefit package they’re looking for, namely rodents and shelter.
Camp Joe Willie has become a vital step in the healing process for Camp Fire cats. Because FieldHaven has this one-of-a-kind facility, we are able to bring Camp Fire cats to Camp Joe Willie, affording them the time to relax and show us their true nature.
You see, many of the cats we rescue are so traumatized by both the fire and their day-to-day struggles surviving in the fire zone, that they are acting like fierce ferals, literally fighting for their lives. But we know that many of these poor kitties were pets, often indoor-only cats. Letting them come to a safe space like Camp Joe Willie and having them interact with our feral specialists allows their true personalities to slowly return.
Some cats will be able to be adopted, some will join the Rodent Ranger program, and some will remain feisty ferals and be returned to the wild. All will be given medical exams, spayed/neutered, chipped, and showered with love. (Ferals returned to their colonies are ear tipped.)
Get a first-hand look at Camp Joe Willie by clicking the video below.