Camp Fire Evacuation Center – Day One

FieldHaven staff and volunteers are onsite at the small animal shelter at Yuba-Sutter Fairgrounds helping with evacuees of the #CampFire. We were deployed by Yuba County Office of Emergency Services at about midnight last night. Thanks to the Animal Control Officers from Bradshaw Animal Shelter for delivering this supply trailer at 4 AM.
If you know anyone who needs to shelter animals (large and small), please send them to the shelter at Yuba-Sutter Fairgrounds at 442 Franklin Avenue, Yuba City. There is also sheltering for people here, too. At this time, we do not need volunteers, but volunteers are needed at North Valley Animal Disaster Group shelters in Oroville and Chico. If you are not a NVADG volunteer, please register to volunteer at
We are in need of the following donations: sheets (for covering cages), towels Dog and cat food (canned and dry), cat litter
You can bring donations to one of the following places:
- Expo Hall at Yuba-Sutter Fairgrounds
- The main shelter at FieldHaven Feline Center
- FieldHaven Marketplace
We will add other needs to this post as they arise.
Thank you for caring.