Special Kitties at FieldHaven

If you were the cheerleader or star basketball player in high school, you won’t understand this story, but all of you who, like me, stayed home from a prom or two, or suffered through being the last one chosen in a pickup game of baseball, this tale is for you. Still with me? Then I’d like to introduce you to Miss Forrester, Rosebud, and Lindy: hands down, the most beautiful cats at FieldHaven, on the inside.

Miss Forrester was mistaken for feral until she sought out the human companionship she enjoys so much.
Unfortunately, nature made these three ladies a study in beauty being skin…uh, fur deep…but, oh, what amazing cats they are when you give them two minutes. That’s right. Just two minutes. That’s all it takes to discover how much tenderness, gentleness, and love can be packed into a diminutive, purring package.
Ever had your heart broken? They have, too. Forgiven and forgotten? Them, too. Become a better person in the process? How could you not be impressed with a cat-like Miss Forrester who was mistaken for feral, spayed, had her ear clipped, and was put back in a feral colony where she didn’t belong. She managed to find her way to a construction site where, half-starved, she sought refuge in the construction trailer, until finally, someone rescued her and brought her to FieldHaven. She not only trusts people, she seeks them out, desperately hungry for a loving hand and warm lap.

Lindy is a special kitty for someone who can give her special care.
Lindy is our literary lady with six toes like Ernest Hemingway’s famous cats. She’s also our greeter. Sit down at the table to work on something and she’s right there checking it out, too, bumping noses, purring, talking. She came to us from another rescue, and like all of our cats, was tested right away. Turns out she had a high FIP titre, which means she was supposed to be really sick and catch every bug (the viral and bacterial kind, not the creepy, crawly kind) she was exposed to. She didn’t, and hasn’t. She does have a gum disease which requires regular treatment, but come on, which of us doesn’t have something we’re treating?
Miss Forrester was mistaken for feral until she sought out the human companionship she enjoys so much. Lindy is a special kitty for someone who can give her special care. Our last beauty is Rosebud. She’s breathtaking, pure, and simple. There has never been another cat as loving, forgiving, or tenderhearted as this girl. She came to us distraught and depressed over being left behind when her people moved.

After she was left behind when her people moved away beautiful Rosebud is anxious to find a real FOREVER home.
Someone had treated her badly, cutting off her whiskers and eyebrows. They’re growing back now: little stubs, reminders that the most gentle souls can be the easiest to destroy, but not Rosebud. There was a spark inside her that would not be extinguished. When our volunteers saw the note on the bulletin board that Rosebud was depressed and needed extra love and attention, they gave her what she needed to understand that life could be good again. Now she will crawl on your lap and put her paws around your neck and let you know that she believes in people once more.
These three FieldHaven beauties are ready for adoption. The only thing they ask in return for a lifetime of devotion is a permanent place in your heart, a warm lap, and a spot near a window to bask in the sunshine on a summer day.
After she was left behind when her people moved away, beautiful Rosebud is anxious to find a real FOREVER home.
This is Judy Mourier, left a message earlier, we will keep about 6 of the 16 around the ranch to keep rodents down, but need to find a place for the other 10, thank you