Garfield’s Story: 2004 – 2005

Garfield was just one of the millions of kittens born into feral colonies each year. His spine was deformed, leaving him without the use of his hind legs. He would surely have died soon after birth if nature had its way, but Garfield defied the odds and lived a full life, thanks to the love of humans.
He was plucked from his litter by the colony’s caregivers and lovingly bottled-raised to become a strong, healthy, playful kitten even in spite of his handicap. When the caregivers knew they could no longer provide for his special needs, they contacted FieldHaven.
For ten months, Garfield became the center of daily life at FieldHaven. Using his powerful front legs, he would scoot around as fast as the other kitties could run. Nothing stopped him and he always said exactly what he thought, especially when it came to asking for food. He loved the outdoors and became irritated it the weather wasn’t nice enough for him to be out in the grass.
Whenever presented with the chance, he would sneak out the front door and bump, bump, bump down the steps, off and running with his humans, trying to catch up before he scooted under the trailer to play in the dirt and cobwebs.
Garfield became a local celebrity, starring on TV and having a large fanbase at FieldHaven. He visited handicapped children and went home with volunteers for “slumber parties.” In his innocent way, he became symbolic of each and every life we save in our rescue efforts. He taught us to make the best of what life gives us, even if it doesn’t seem fair. No one walked away feeling sorry for Garfield after meeting him.
Throughout his life, his urinary system was troublesome. Major reconstructive surgery became necessary, but unfortunately, it led irreparable complications. Garfield passed with the hands of six of his humans holding him. We laid him to rest on his favorite blue pillow on the first summer night, under a golden moon that matched his eyes.
At last, dear friend, you can run on all four legs. We will see you again at the Rainbow Bridge.