How You Can Help

Donation Levels
Bombay: $25 – $49
Tuxedo: $50 – $99
Tabby: $100 – $249
Siamese: $250 – $499
Ragdoll: $500 – $999
Maine Coon: $1,000+
Monthly Giving Program
Donations are the lifeblood of any tax-exempt non-profit organization and FieldHaven is no exception. Your donations support the work we do to continue our existing rescue efforts and develop new programs to assist animals and animal lovers in our community.
By joining our Monthly Giving Program, you can make life better for stray and feral cats every day. Donors receive our newsletter and announcements of special programs or events. Your monthly donations via credit card or electric funds transfer ensure resources we need for our ongoing programs are always available and respond quickly to when feral cats and kittens are in peril.
Leave a Gift to FieldHaven in Your Will or Living Trust
By including FieldHaven in your will or living trust, you create a powerful legacy that will protect stray and feral cats for years to come. Living trusts eliminate the need for an often lengthy and expensive probate process and help to ensure the proper protection and distribution of your estate in the event you become incapacitated and after your lifetime.
Contact FieldHaven to request additional information.
Tribute and Memorial Gifts
Honor a special person or pet by making a tribute gift in his/her name to FieldHaven. Your honoree will be notified of your contribution with a personal card from FieldHaven and a complimentary subscription to our newsletter for one year.
Few things are more difficult than losing a beloved companion, whether human or animal. Now, you can honor the memory of your loved one or someone else’s by helping a cat or kitten who needs a friend. With a Memorial Gift, FieldHaven will send a sympathy card to the person you designate, noting that a special gift was made in remembrance.
Should you wish to make a more lasting and public gesture, a gift of $500 or more entitles you to an engraved memorial or tribute plaque honoring your loved one.
Gifts of Appreciated Stock
Giving stocks and bonds to help FieldHaven fun programs can drastically reduce your tax bill while helping us prove the lives of stray and feral cats.
Workplace Campaigns
Beginning in 2005, some of our volunteers have designated FieldHaven as a write-in beneficiary, receiving donations through workplace giving programs. FieldHaven has applied to be a designated choice in the annual California State Employees Charity Fund Drive in the category of “Animal Welfare Agency.” This will offer state employees a simple, efficient way to help cats through our Workplace Giving program.
FieldHaven will be seeking new opportunities to extend this convenience to others working for non-state employers.
For more information about the many ways you can help FieldHaven continue to make the world a better place for stray and feral cats, please contact FieldHaven board president, Joy Smith, at (916) 434-6022 or by email at [email protected]